Job completed for Baggot

Completion date: May 3, 2024

Location: Baton Rouge, LA

Why did the customer contact us?

Customer has a seal that is broke on her toilet. Water has been leaking on the floors for a couple days now. She does not use that bathroom often so she never noticed it.

Solutions provided:

1) Remove affected floors, baseboards and trim 2) Place drying equipment and Air purifying equipment 3) Dry to an IICRC approved standard 4) Clean and sanitize space 5) Ready space for repairs
Water Damage- Broken Seal- Baton Rouge

Photos & Videos:

Water Damage- Damaged Floors- Broken Seal
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Water Damage- Damaged Floors- Broken Seal
Broke Seal- Resdiential- Baton Rouge
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Broke Seal- Resdiential- Baton Rouge