Job completed for Mossey

Completion date: May 22, 2024

Location: Baton Rouge, LA

Why did the customer contact us?

Customer had a toilet that overflowed. Needs water removal and cleanup.

Solutions provided:

United Fire and Water went over there and extracted all the standing water. We cut out sheetrock and removed flooring in the hallway. After we removed all the affected materials we placed drying equipment. After everything was dry we disinfecting the entire area we replaced the flooring and sheetrock. Brought it back to pre-loss condition.
Toilet Overflow- Cat 3 Water Loss- Water Damage- Residential

Photos & Videos:

Toilet Overflow- Wet Baseboards- Water Damage
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Toilet Overflow- Wet Baseboards- Water Damage
Plumbing Issue- Mitigation- Baton Rouge
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Plumbing Issue- Mitigation- Baton Rouge