Job completed for T-Mobil

Completion date: June 10, 2024

Location: Harvey, LA

Why did the customer contact us?

Water in floors and walls. Likely weather related. Happened over weekend in rough rain.

Solutions provided:

) All equipment has been picked up. 2) All surfaces cleaned and sanitized. Of Note: Toilet was not removed during the mitigation process because the T-Mobil employees would be without a bathroom. There is a small piece of tile under the toilet that will need to be removed during the repair of the floor. During the repair, the toilet will need to be detached and reset.
Water Damage- Weather Storm- Commercial

Photos & Videos:

Water Damage- Rain Storm Damage- Commercial
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Water Damage- Rain Storm Damage- Commercial
Floor Damage Due To Weather Storm- Commercial
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Floor Damage Due To Weather Storm- Commercial