Job completed for Arbour

Completion date: June 25, 2024

Location: Baton Rouge, LA

Why did the customer contact us?

Tenet was in the process of moving out and had some boxes in the stove top, they accidentally turned the burner in and the boxes caught fire. The kitchen is gone and the entire unit has smoke and water damage. Owner is filling a claim and the tenet has renters insurance.

Solutions provided:

e are approved to start work 6/4/24. Dumpster has been ordered, and will be delivered by 10 AM 6/4/24. Client wants remaining contents from tenant to be discarded into dumpster. They have gotten the personal items they want to keep on 6/3/24. Client also has a grey chest in the dining area that needs to be brough back here and cleaned and deodorized then wrapped in plastic and brough back to site on Friday. They will pick up this weekend. Operational Notes Kyle Guilbault 06/03/2024 02:38 PM

Photos & Videos:

Fire Restoration- Smoke and soot mitigation
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Fire Restoration- Smoke and soot mitigation
Kitchen Fire Damage- Remodel- Repair- Insruance Claim
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Kitchen Fire Damage- Remodel- Repair- Insruance Claim